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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Multiplication Strategies

We have learned 5 strategies that you can use to solve multiplication problems. Remember to use the strategy that helps you most.

1. Make Equal Groups

In this strategy, you can make groups and put an equal number of objects in each group to multiply. For example,


This example shows two equal groups. It shows four X's in each group. It shows 8 X's in all. So, 2 X 4 = 8.

equal groups.jpeg

In this example, there are 5 plates of cookies. These are the 5 groups. There are 4 cookies on each plate. This is the number of objects in each group. There are 20 cookies in all. So, 5 X 4 = 20.
2. Repeated Addtion

In this strategy, you add the same number over and over again to multiply. For example,

4 + 4 = 8

This example shows 4 as the number we are repeating. We added 4 two times. We got 8 in all when we added 4 two times. So, 4 X 2 = 8

3. Draw a Diagram

In this strategy, you draw a picture of what the problem tells you to. For example, imagine I am solving a problem about apples.


In this example, I have stacked 2 rows of apples and put 4 apples in each row. There are 8 apples in all. So, 2 X 4 = 8.

4. Make an Array

In this example, you make equal rows of objects and count up all the objects. For example,


This example shows two rows of X's. It shows 4 X's in each row. It shows 8 X's in all. So, 4 X 2 = 8.

Here's a short video clip about how to make and use an array:

5. Use a Number Line

In this example, you count equal size jumps to multiply. For example,

0 (1 2) (3 4) (5 6) (7 8)

This example shows 4 groups of numbers on the number line. It shows 2 numbers in each group. When I count up the 4 groups, with 2 numbers in each group, I end up at 8. So, 4 X 2 = 8.

Here's a short video about how to use a number line to multiply:

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