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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Division Strategies

Division Strategies – We will begin learning about division this week.  Division is when you take a whole, big group of objects and break them into smaller, equal-size groups.  We will start by learning about some important strategies we can use when we want to divide.

Number of Equal Groups – When dividing, one strategy is to take the whole group and break it into smaller equal-size groups.  Then, you can count how many groups you made.

For example, if you want to solve the problem 24 / 6 you could make groups of 6 until you get to 24 and count how many groups you made:

XXXXXX          XXXXXX               XXXXXX                  XXXXXX

In this example, I have made groups of 6 and there are 24 X's in all.  When I count how many groups I have made, I count 4 groups.  So, 24 / 6 = 4.

Size of Equal Groups – A second strategy is to make your groups first, then share the whole group of objects into the smaller groups so that each group has the same amount of objects.  Then, you can count how many objects are in each group.

In this strategy, you will make a number of equal groups and share the objects into each group.  Then, you will count how many objects are in each group.  So, if you want to solve 24 / 6, you would make 6 groups and share the 24 objects equally into each group:

XXXX     XXXX      XXXX       XXXX      XXXX      XXXX

In this example, I have made 6 groups and shared the 24 objects equally into each group.  When I count how many are in each group, I find that there are 4 in each group.  So 24 / 6 = 4.

Here's a video about division and equal groups:

Repeated Subtraction – In multiplication, we learned that we could use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems.  In the same way, you can use repeated subtraction to solve division problems.  You can start with the total number and keep subtracting the same number until you have 0 objects left.  Then, you can count how many times you subtracted.

In repeated subtraction, you just keep subtracting the smaller number from the larger number until you have 0.  Then, you count how many times you subtracted.  So, if you want to solve 24 / 6 you would start with 24 and keep subtracting 6 until there are 0 left:

24 - 6 = 18
18 - 6 = 12
12 - 6 = 6
6 - 6 = 0

In this example, I subtracted 6 each time until there were 0 left.  When I count how many times I subtracted, I find that I subtracted 4 times.  So, 24 / 6 = 4.

Here's a short video that shows repeated subtraction:

Arrays – We learned about arrays in multiplication.  You can also use arrays when dividing.  When dividing, you take the whole number of squares or circles and you can either make a number of rows with the same amount in each row, or you can make rows with a  certain number in each row and keep making rows until there are none left.

When you make an array for division, you start with the whole group of objects and either fill in by rows or by columns.  So, if you want to solve 24 / 6:

These are my 24 objects:


Now, I can make an array in two different ways.  First, I can make rows of 6 until I have 24:


Then, you count how many rows you made.  In this case, I made 4 rows so 24 / 6 = 4.

Second, I can make 6 rows and fill them in until I have 24 in all:


Then, you count how many are in each row.  In this case, there are 4 in each row, so 24 / 6 = 4.

Multiplication – If you know your multiplication facts (keep studying them!), you can use your multiplication facts to help you figure out division facts.

In this strategy, you can use your multiplication facts to solve division problems.  So, if you want to solve 24 / 6:

24 / 6 =           

When I look at 24 / 6, I see the numbers 24 and 6.  When I think about my multiplication facts, I know a fact that has 24 and 6 in it.  The multiplication fact is 6 X 4 = 24.  The three numbers in that fact are 6, 4, and 24.  When I go back to the division fact 24 / 6, I see that it has the numbers 24 and 6.  It is missing the 4.  So, 24 / 6 = 4.

Here's a short video about using multiplication and division facts:

Monday, December 10, 2012



What is energy?

Energy is the ability to cause change or do work.  If something changes, energy is being used.  If you are doing work, energy is being used.  Here's a short video:

Forms of Energy

There are many different forms of energy.  Light energy, heat energy, electrical energy are three common forms of energy.  Sound energy is also another type of energy.

Heat can be produced by rubbing objects together

Heat energy is one form of energy.  Heat energy can be produced in different ways.  One way to produce heat energy is by rubbing objects together.  Friction is when two objects rub together.

There are two other ways to produce heat energy.  Burning and Mixing are the two other ways to produce heat energy.

Light travels in straight lines

Light is another form of energy.  It is important to know that light energy always travels in straight-line paths.  Light energy always moves from one place to another in a straight line.

Light also gives off heat

Another important thing to know about light energy is that light energy also gives off heat energy.  If you have ever put your hand close to a light bulb, you know that the bulb feels hot.  It feels hot because the light energy is also giving off heat energy, which you feel as the warmth of the bulb.

Light can be reflected, refracted, and absorbed

Finally, light can be reflected, refracted, or absorbed.

Reflection is when light hits an object and bounces back off the object and in the direction it came from.

Refraction is when light changes direction.  This usually happens when a beam of light goes through water.  It changes its direction a little bit.  This makes objects look different if you look at them through water.

Absorption is when light goes into an object.  Some light energy hits an ojbect and goes into it.  This is why objects have color.  If an object looks green, the green part of light went into that object.  If an object looks red, the red part of light went into the object.

Story Structure

Story Structure
Story structure is the different parts of a story.  We have learned about several important parts to any story:  characters, setting, plot, problem, and solution. 

The characters are the people or animals that the story is about.  When you read, you should read to find out what the characters look like and what they do in the story. 

Setting is when and where the story takes place.  When you read, you should try to figure out when and where the characters are throughout the story. 

Plot is the important events that happen in a story.  When you read, you should pay attention to all the events that are happening in the story and decide which events are most important. 

The problem is what the main character tries to fix in the story.  When you read, you should try to figure out what problem the main character is trying to solve. 

The solution is how the main character finally is able to solve the problem.  When you read, you should look for what the character does to finally solve the problem and how it works. 

When you read a story, it is important to closely pay attention to the characters, setting, plot, problem, and solution.  Knowing these parts of a story will make it easier for you to understand what is happening in the story.

Here's a short video about story structure:

Saturday, December 1, 2012


A Combination is the joining of two or more things.  In class, we practiced making combinations  with outfits and ice cream.

Outfit Combinations:

When you get dressed in the morning, you practice using combinations.  You chose one each of a top and a bottom.  You open your closet and look at all your tops.  There are t-shirts and collared shirts and the shirts are different colors.  You choose one top and put it on.  Then, you look at the bottoms.  There are pants and shorts (and skirts if you're a girl!).  You choose a bottom and put it on.  You have just made a combination!

Ice Cream Combinations:

When you go to the ice cream shop and order some ice cream, you practice combinations.  First, you have to decide what you want your ice cream served in.  It can be served in a bowl or a cone.  Then, you have to choose the flavor of ice cream that you want.  Then, you have to choose any toppings you want on top of your ice cream.  You go up to the counter and look over the choices.  You decide that you want your ice cream in a cone, you want it to be chocolate ice cream, and you want sprinkles on top of it.  You have just made a combination!

Sometimes it is useful to know how many combinations are possible, and you can use multiplication to do it.

Let's go back to the Outfits Combinations from above.  Let's say you have these choices:

Tops                              Bottoms

Green T-Shirt                 Tan Pants
White T-Shirt                 Tan Shorts
Green Collared Shirt       Tan Skirt
White Collared Shirt

In this case there are 4 choices for a top and 3 choices for a bottom.  So, you can multiply 4 X 3 = 12 to find the total number of combinations.  There are 12 total combinations.  Let's look at why that works:

You can match the Green T-Shirt with the Tan Pants, the Tan Shorts, and the Tan Skirt.  That makes 3 combinations.  You can match the White T-Shirt with the Tan Pants, the Tan Shorts, and the Tan skirt.  That makes 3 combinations.  You can match the Green Collared Shirt with the Tan Pants, the Tan Shorts, and the Tan Skirt.  That makes 3 combinations.  You can match the White Collared Shirt with the Tan Pants, the Tan Shorts, and the Tan Skirt.  That makes 3 combinations.  So, you made 3 combinations and you did it 4 times.  3 X 4 = 12.

Here's a short video about Combinations:

In the video, she has 3 hats and 3 shirts.  If you multiply 3 X 3 = 9 you get 9 total combinations.  This is how many combinations they came up with in the video.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Economics is the study of how people use money, goods, and services.

Goods and Services - There are two types of products, goods and services. A good is a thing that you can purchase, like food, books, or toys. A service is something that one person does for another. Serving someone food or cutting someone's hair are services. 

Buyers and Sellers - There are two types of people in an economy. These are buyers and sellers. A buyer is a person who wants to buy a good or service. A seller is a person who wants to sell a good or service to someone else. Buyers and sellers work together in an economy to get the things that they need and want. 
 Here's a short video about Buyers and Sellers and Goods and Services. In the video, they call Buyers "Consumers" and they call Sellers "Producers":

Needs and Wants - There are two types of goods and services. Those that you need and those that you want. Needs are things that you absolutely cannot live without. There are very few things you cannot live without. These include food, water, shelter, and clothing. Anything that you do not need is considered a want. It is something that you want to have, but do not need to have in order to survive. 

Goods Available in Your Country - Some goods are already available in your country. You can just go to the store and purchase them. These goods can be made with the materials available in your country. Any service can be made available in your country, as long as there is someone who knows how to do it or can learn to do it. Here’s a short video about resources and choices: 

Goods Not Available in Your Country - Sometimes, the things that you want or need are not available in your country. When a good or service is not available, we say that it is scarce. Scarce means that there is very little, or even none, of something. In that case, you have two choices. You can make the things that you want or need out of materials you have, or you can trade something you have to another country for the thing that you want or need. Here’s a short video about scarcity and choice:

Countries That Make the Unavailable Goods - In order to trade for the things you want or need, you have to find countries that have those things.

Trade - Trade is when you give something that you have to someone else and they give you something they have. In a trade, each person gives a good or service that they have. There is no money involved in a trade. Another word for trade is barter. 
Here's a short video about barter and how it is different from money:

Forms of Money - Countries use different forms of money. Money is bills and coins that people use to purchase the things they need and want. People use money because it is small and easy to carry. Money can also be divided into smaller amounts quite easily. Money also lasts a long time. Finally, it is easy to recognize money. When you see money, you know what it is and how much it is worth.  Here's a video about money:

There are two most basic forms of money: coins and bills. In the United States, our bills are called dollars. Our coins are called pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

In Canada, they also call their bills dollars. They have different coins in Canada, too. They call their coins the one cent piece, five cent piece, ten cent piece, twenty-five cent piece, fifty cent piece, one dollar piece, and two dollar piece.

In Mexico, their bills are called pesos. Their coins are called centavos.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Summarize Text

When you summarize a text, you tell what the text was all about, identify the most important ideas, and retell the important ideas in your own words.

There are two ways that you can summarize. First, you can identify the 4 W's and 1 H of the text:

1. Who - who is in the story
2. What - what is the problem in the story
3. Where - where does the story happen
4. When - when does the story happen
5. How - How does the problem get solved

A second way to write a summary is by using main idea and details. The main idea is the most important thing that the text was about. The details give more information about the main idea. When you write a summary in this way, you begin with a topic sentence that tells the main idea of the story. Then, you use details from the story as evidence to prove that your main idea is correct.

Reading is Thinking!

Reading is Thinking!

In Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade, you learned how to read the words, and were introduced to some basic comprehension skills. Now, it is time to advance! Now, Reading is Thinking! When you read, it is no longer enough that you can read all the words. You also need to be able to think about what those words mean and what message the author is trying to send to you. In class we have learned about several strategies that will help us think about what the words mean. Our first strategy is Before Reading, During Reading, and After Reading:

Before Reading:

1. Preview and Make Predictions
2. Set a Purpose for Reading
3. Think About the Author's Purpose for Writing

During Reading:

1. Monitor Comprehension and Fix Up
2. Identify Characters, Setting, Problem, and Solution
3. Determine Main Idea and Supporting Details
4. Check For Understanding
5. Ask Questions and Define Important Vocabulary
6. Make Connections to Text
7. Make a Mental Picture

After Reading:

1. Check For Understanding
2. Summarize Your Reading

Our second strategy involves Making Connections During Reading:

When you are reading, it is important to try to make connections between yourself and your reading. We have practiced these types of connections in class:

1. Reminds me of...
2. Text to Text Connection
3. Important Idea
4. New Idea
5. Question
6. Surprising Information
7. Text-to-World Connection
8.  New Learning
9.  Inference
10. Prediction
11. Purpose for Reading
12. Author's Purpose
It is important that you practice thinking while reading by using our Before, During, and After Reading strategies and by Making Connections while Reading.

Reading is Thinking!

Multiplication Tables

In third grade, we need to know multiplication facts through 9. Here are the tables for these facts. You should practice them every day until you know them by memory.

Multiply With 0 - When you multiply with 0, the answer is always 0.


Multiply with 1 - When you multiply a number by 1, you always get the same number.


Multiply with 2


Multiply with 3


Multiply with 4


Multiply with 5


Multiply with 6


Multiply with 7


Multiply with 8


Multiply with 9
