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Monday, December 10, 2012

Story Structure

Story Structure
Story structure is the different parts of a story.  We have learned about several important parts to any story:  characters, setting, plot, problem, and solution. 

The characters are the people or animals that the story is about.  When you read, you should read to find out what the characters look like and what they do in the story. 

Setting is when and where the story takes place.  When you read, you should try to figure out when and where the characters are throughout the story. 

Plot is the important events that happen in a story.  When you read, you should pay attention to all the events that are happening in the story and decide which events are most important. 

The problem is what the main character tries to fix in the story.  When you read, you should try to figure out what problem the main character is trying to solve. 

The solution is how the main character finally is able to solve the problem.  When you read, you should look for what the character does to finally solve the problem and how it works. 

When you read a story, it is important to closely pay attention to the characters, setting, plot, problem, and solution.  Knowing these parts of a story will make it easier for you to understand what is happening in the story.

Here's a short video about story structure:

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